Friday 5 August 2011

So I grouse. Don't pretend you're that innocent. Say you do too. (#001)

I grouse everyday.

I know. It's not good. It spells negative front to back to front, flipped, toggled, whatever.
But I know I have to. There's a strange feeling that something is being released when I grouse. But why?

Today I groused about a friend who, of all the places we could park our car, wanted to park the car right in front of the kuih stall at a T-junction near his house. OK, it's not actually a Ramadan Bazaar. But there were still plenty of people. They have a row of stalls. By parking where he had suggested earlier, two things are definitely going to happen, which are:

1. People are going to find it hard to squeeze between the car and the stall.
2. People are going to find it easy to run and press hard the tip of a key through the length of the car.

I know for sure about no. 1, because it happened to me many times before.
I know for sure about no. 2, because I had done it before.

Hey, I am not the bad guy here, OK.


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