Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Sonessadii's Top 5 (Volume 1) The Most Overused Prefix To A Thing's Name

Here are the most overused prefixes my research team (which includes me, myself and I), managed to compile after scouring the whole country from one place i.e. my laptop. You would stumble into them many times in a day, even when you come to a new place for the first time.

We countdown instead of up. The last one gathers the most points in terms of customers awareness, not necessarily the number of times you see them.

Here they are :

5. Seri (sometimes Sri)
Find it in 90% of school names. 50% of housing estates. 33% in road names. 13 journalists in nationally circulated prints. For example, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Bla Bla Bla, Taman Seri Bla Bla Bla, Jalan Seri Bla Bla Bla, and pengarang : Sri Itu, Sri Ini.

4. De / D’ / Di
This started in the 90’s, as far as I can remember. It hasn’t stopped since. Used in company names, it means ‘I tried very hard to be creative in naming my company so that it sounds like you’re attached to it’, for example, de’Wajah means what they sell will stick onto your face, D’Mayang means you will be julienned (dimayang) just as the julienned ginger in their cooking, D’Atas means you will be unmoved from your seat the moment you put your ass on their chair, D’Bawah means (figure it out yourself please..)

They’re all pronounced the same and they all mean the same : BORING

3. My
Over-patriotism over the internet domain abbreviation for Malaysia. After the internet, everybody starts using it like they own the patent to it. But then again it’s domain of Malaysia. I mean the “using” behaviour. My.. my...

2. Putra
No offense to the person. But can we please move on and start to be more creative in naming things with other things. All these ‘sempena itu, sempena ini’ things are limiting our creativity. Can buildings, monuments, train stations, children and what have ya be named but with others? Don't you get easily confused with all the edifices are named similarly? I know you’re the CEOs but can you let your creative consultant do their job without listening to your finger? FYI your fingers doesn’t have brains. But men can do a lot of other things with them. So? Do lah that.

1.         1
Yesss! The number one is the number One. One this and One that. It’s the one that you want. One that shows you’re number one in one thing. SomeOne started this. SomeOne who thinks he’s number One. But then, there are over 28 millions number Ones in Malaysia. That includes me, you, vee, double-u, ex, why zed. This One is the epitome of ‘Mengipas Bontot The One’ Culture. You think I want? No, I dowan.

They just drive me up the wall sometimes.

So there you go. If you want me to compile some other top 5s let me know by posting a comment below.


  1. Shaddap ulah LeHud. You talk too much...and..I hate it when I like what you write. Don't stop here...move on.

    p.s. Aku teringat Sri Perak circa 80-an. Hah! to you for that...

  2. Waaa Lajis. Banyak nya paraphernalia basikal hang. I'm only starting je Lajis. Gathering material isn't as easy as it looks. But thnx for commenting. As for sri perak, that's why la potong stim. In those days tak la sebanyak sekarang.

  3. LeHud, been there... Tapi kalau mood tengah mari, boleh blasah 2, 3 posting in a week. If hit by the dreaded writer's block, you'll be high and dry. Not even a post in a month.

  4. Logy, teman idok faham leer. Apa maknanya tu?

  5. LeHud...Kalu ada masa, kelapangan, kerajinan dan kecambahan idea dan pemikiran, buatlah top 5 tempat kegemaran orang Malaysia membuang sampah.
