Friday 19 August 2011

Okay, Hands Up Please.

Oh! What is that smell?

I know. I used to have that too. But that's because of my 'recycled' shirt from 2 days ago. And this was in early 80's when we ('we' here refers to the group of people who call themselves Ansara Kulima) received RM15 of monthly pocket money, which went mostly to Pasaraya Yon Sin. This thing is definitely a luxury then. Tell me how many of you used this then? Even if you had it then, you must be the son of a diplomat something or minister of something's son which doesn't really count because it's not fair. And it musta been stuck somewhere deep in your locker because you're afraid that someone might see it and wanted to have a 'calit'. Sorry, I was just being ........mmm never mind.

Now, this is the remedy.

I need say no more about this thing. But I have a tip. Don't just use it under your arms. It works well elsewhere too. Where it sweats most. For example under your chin (that's your neck), skrelbow (that's the opposite of your elbow, he he now you know) and under there between your... mmmm never mind.

I like this particular one because it smells so nice and it really lasts. I sell it at RM5.30, some shop sell it at RM5.90. But when it has its offers, it goes for RM4.90 (normally pre-labelled).

Actually there's another brand that last longer, from a leading international direct selling company related to America in its name and they force you to follow 'their' way, but I can guarantee you, your wallet thins quicker.

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